
Issue 41
Sally Wen Mao, Two Poems
Etel Adnan, while whales keep swimming north
Benjamin Mueller, Colossus, PA
Shamar Hill, God of Ruin
Benjamin Krusling, Fuck You, a Magazine of the Arts (Spring 2018)
Nathan Hoks, Self-Portrait on the Go
Arnaldo Calveyra, Three Poems translated by Elizabeth Zuba
Veronica Kuhn, 3.75 Plants to the Dollar
Michael Juliani, My Father Says: Say that My Son Is a Bigger Man
Tyler Flynn Dorholt, Arrivals
Kerry James Evans, Asterisk
Mario Montalbetti, Two Poems translated by Clare Sullivan
Brenda Hillman, Triple Moments of Light & Industry
Ada Limón, Two Poems
Josh Myers, Every Angel Is Terrifying
Max McDonough, Bloodworms
Mercedes Roffé, Two Poems translated by Rebekah Smith
Robin Myers, Falls
Tracy May Fuad, Object Exercise
Asiya Wadud, book of VIII
Maureen Seaton, Two Poems
Pascale Petit, Ode to a Cardabelle
Elizabeth Scanlon, Third and Pine
Sammi Bryan, Insecure Attachment Anxiety
Cortney Lamar Charleston, The Ballad of Addy Walker: An African American Girl Story
William Brewer, Twins
Susana Thénon, Three Poems translated by Rebekah Smith
James A.H. White, Like Straw, or Butter, or Gold
Esteban Rodríguez, First Slang
Jenny Xie, Local Scenes
Kayo Chingonyi, Epithalamium
Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, Synonyms for Cruelty
Kiki Petrosino, Two Poems
Joshua Ferris, Extrapolation as an Art Form in the Lobby of the John Muir
Nicole Simonsen, Many Things Have Happened Since You Died
Maryse Meijer, The Lover
Kateryna Babkina, Richard the Chickenheart translated by Hanna Leliv
Edie Meidav, from Species of Female Devotion, or Future Love Paradise
Justin Herrmann, Dimetrodon
Tyler Sones, Delta Dawn
Susan Choi, Some Japanese Ghosts
Elizabeth Dubois, Interview with Deb Olin Unferth
Eleanor Wright, Interview with Monica Youn

Geffrey Davis, The Fidelity of Loneliness
Devon Walker-Figueroa, Not Everything that Lapses Must Diverge
William Fargason, Porcelain Nocturne
Desiree C. Bailey, Harriet Jacobs Grips the Silence
Meghann Plunkett, Nightshade
Mitchell L. H. Douglas, Circle
Justin Phillip Reed, The Root is Not a Color But an Upset
Paul Legault, Grace When It’s Not There
Nicole Sealey, from Cento for the Night I Said, “I Love You”
Matthew Shenoda, The Edge is the End of the Beginning
James Kimbrell, The Graduate Goes to Work
Julian Randall, T-Pain Sings “A Change Gonna Come” While My Father Sleeps Feet Away
Dan Beachy-Quick, On the Soul
Chinelo Okparanta, The shoe that I bought . . .
Natalie Shapero, Some Toxin
Gbenga Adesina, Hiding Place
Rob Shapiro, Ram’s Head with Hollyhock, 1935
Will Frazier, Hyperglycemia
zakia henderson-brown, ex-slave with long memory
Paul Guest, With a Line from Padgett Powell
Evie Shockley, awaking in paris
Megan Tucker, Candidates
Carol Bensimon, The Smoke Gardener’s Club translated by Zoë Perry
Helen Phillips, It Should Be
LaRue Cook, Believers
David Leavitt, The David Party
Rivka Galchen, Our Potatoes
Jess Pane, Interview with Karen Russell
Crystal Powell, Interview with Ross Gay
Cover art by Conor Fagan.

Issue 39: Spring 2017
Donika Kelly, Two Poems
Ladan Osman, Two Poems
Michael Dhyne, Two Poems
Anne Boyer, About the New Thinkers
Anaïs Duplan, Upon Entering the Waiting Room, I Am Hunger
Alex Greenberg, Aubade Ending in Disappointment
Saskia Hamilton, Avowal
Emily Rose Cole, Hospice
Leah Silvieus, Aubade with Septic Field
Debra Nystrom, Evening Before the Funeral
Arden Levine, Healer
Gabrielle Bates, Poetry Comics
Vincent Toro, “Give Me My Flowers While I Yet Live”
Javier Zamora, from The Book I Made with a Counselor My First Week of School
Jenna-Marie Warnecke, Grammar Mnemonics for When to Use “Lie” vs. “Lay”
Jeremy Michael Clark, Two Poems
Kaveh Akbar, Two Poems
Susanna Lang, Jazz in April
Ross Gay, Two Poems
Kamilah Aisha Moon, Hunt (1936– )
Zeina Hashem Beck, Two Poems
John Murillo, Contemporary American Poetry
Nan Scott Hanway, Jack and Jackie
Mary Alice Stewart, Something Confused About Where It Belonged
Lygia Fagundes Telles, It’s Chilly in Here, Don’t You Think? Translated by Eric M. B. Becker
Dustin M. Hoffman, Scraps on Fire
Matthew Vollmer, Source Material
Andrew Mangan, Roman Candle
Fortunato Salazar, Game Fish
Ben Goldman, Cruise
Colin Dekeersgieter, Interview with Wayne Koestenbaum
Cover art by Madeleine Barnes.

Issue 38
Naomi Shihab Nye, Two Poems
Emily Brandt, Taking Up Space
Leslie Marie Aguilar, Joyland
Iman Mersal, Two Poems translated by Robin Moger
Thomas Dooley, Two Poems
Jonathan Jones, wake-up
Carmen Giménez Smith, Two Poems
Jay Deshpande, Three Poems
Jesse Nathan, Two Poems
Ana Božičević, Santa Mania
Gemma Gorga, [It requires the utmost attention] translated by Sharon Dolin
Jos Charles, from feeld
Ellie Francis Douglass, I Took the Strand of Days and Made a Sparrow
Ursula Andkjær Olsen, from Third-Millennium Heart translated by Katrine Øgaard Jensen
John Bonanni, Reproduction
Toby Altman, Two Poems
Kerri French, Say the Eels Return
Chelsea Dingman, Two Poems
Robin LaMer Rahija, An Iranian Rat Explains Blast Off
Elizabeth O’Brien, Romp
Sam Corfman, I, a made thing
Sam Ross, Modern Medicine
Safia Elhillo, triptych
Flávio de Araújo, from Zangareio translated by Rachel Morgenstern-Clarren
Jessica Jacobs, Post-op, still out of it, you said, I would
Lucia LoTempio, Sirens
Sarah Bates, But Beetles
George Michelsen Foy, Seven Stories
Sharon Mesmer, The Starry Dynamos
Margarita Mateo Palmer, Gelsomina in the Garden of the City translated by Rebecca Hanssens-Reed
Nick Kocz, Pacto del Olvido
Matthew Baker, Meanwhile
Tim MacGabhann, Better
Mimi Kawahara, Twenty-Nine Questions for an Intelligent Designer
Tara Deal, Study Abroad
Peter Bichsel, Old Age, Years, Companions of the Same Birth Year translated by Lydia Davis
Charles Bock, Playing Is Better
Jenessa Abrams, For After
Yuri Herrera, The Obituarist translated by Lisa Dillman
Rachel Zucker and David Trinidad, A Conversation
Alisa Koyrakh, An Interview with Lorrie Moore
Cover art by Madeleine Barnes

Issue 37
Aaron Reeder, Erraticism
Rasool Yoonan, Four Poems
Lisa Olstein, Two Poems
Dell Lemmon, The Today Show
Anne Barngrover, Two Poems
Liao Hui, Peace to the Soul
Peter LaBerge, Salt Lake City, 2011
Shira Erlichman, Three Poems
Emily Skillings, I Love Wiping My Dirty Hands on Other People’s Things
Mary Jean Murphy, Step One: Admission
Hasan Sijzi, Two Poems
Cady Vishniac, Days of Awe
Joshua Jennifer Espinoza, Two Poems
Sara June Woods, Dear Hairless Madeline,
Lisa Russ Spaar, Two Poems
Chus Pato, Three Poems from Flesh of Leviathan
Amy Lawless, Enter Skeleton
Kim Garcia, Drone: Predator
Vladimir Lucien, Two Poems
Karen Skolfield, The Frame of a Couch Is Not a Couch
Alison Angell, Chronic
Adeeba Talukder, If It Were
Nancy Mitchell, The Problem with Ah in Father
Tommy Pico, Three Poems from Nature Poem
Lindsay Turner, Two Poems from A Fortnight
Arielle Greenberg, Two Poems
Catherine Lacey, No One Knows What
Lucas Loredo, We the Grandchildren
Shane Jones, Tough
Laura Maylene Walter, Euthanasia Coaster
Pablo Piñero Stillmann, Our Brains and the Brains of Miniature Sharks
Marie-Helene Bertino, Two Stories
Lucas Church, Selections from The Infinite Casualty Lists
Amy Hempel, The Chicane
Vivien Drabkin, A Need to Explain
Anton DiSclafani, Tupelo
Darry Dinnell, Motherboard
Katie Jean Shinkle, From Ruination
Joe Meno, Expats
Rebecca Schiff, The Lucky Lady
Minna Proctor, Folie à Deux
Brian Morton, Elegy for Jane
Andy Sanchez, An Interview with Rick Moody
Francisco Márquez, An Interview with Mary Ruefle
Andy Sanchez, An Interview with Sarah Ruhl
Andy Sanchez, An Interview with Maggie Nelson
Cover art by Igor Gnedo

Issue 36
Laura Marris, Jeopardy!
Rob MacDonald, In Situ
Vanesa Pérez Sauquillo, The Balance, translated by Carina del Valle Schorske
Shevaun Brannigan, What if I Don't Even Like You?
Michelle Chan Brown, Real Estate
C. Dylan Bassett, Genesis
Julia Mounsey, Three Poems
Holly Mitchell, Two Poems
Mel Burkeet, Two Poems
William Kelley Woolfitt, Manzanar Haibun (i)
Natalie Eilbert, Liquid Waste: Two Poems
Lauro Vazquez, Interventions
Emily O'Neill, Two Poems
Sophie Klahr, Summer Job, June
Sappho, Fragment 31, translated by Sean Lyon,
Robert Schultz, Two Poems
Jo Going, Legacy
Victoria Lynne McCoy, Two Poems
Ron Padgett, Three Girls
Michael Derrick Hudson, Climax the Clown Goes to See His Therapist
Nina Puro, High Intensity Interval Training
Caroline Crew, Two Poems
Blair Hurley, The Stories You Tell
Jason Manganaro, Yacker and Jennabel
Melissa R. Sipin, The First Breath
Amy Kurzweil, Quantum Theory and the Entanglement of Oolong
Anne Valente, If You Let Me
Jacob Appel, The Prophet of Heathridge Hills
Gloria Huang, The Cage
Justin Bendell, Fire Complex
Elisa Gonzalez, An Interview with Nick Flynn
Elisa Gonzalez, An Interview with Jericho Brown
Michael Sarinsky, An Interview with Jenny Offill
Elisa Gonzalez, An Interview with Henri Cole
Cover art by Nadia Huggins

Issue 35
Juan Felipe Herrera, song out here
Elizabeth Lindsey, The Emergency
Rogers Lisa Low, Two Poems
David Lehman, Two Poems
Judy Halebsky, Two Poems
Jane Hirshfield, Two Poems
Troy Jollimore, On Blindness
Roberto Montes, Two Poems
Jenni B. Baker, Two Poems
Jamie Samdahl, Fourth floor walk-up
Melanie Almeder, Two Poems
Antonina Palisano, On Horror
Thomas Centolella, Two Poems
Jennifer Tamayo, The Pain of You; The Pain of Me, The Ecstasy of You; The Ecstasy of Me
Wayne Koestenbaum, Trance Notebook #12
Noah Falck, Poem Excluding Shopping Carts
Eugenia Leigh, Family Medical History
Annemette Kure Andersen, Three Poems translated by Thom Satterlee
Doug Paul Case, Leave
Kay Cosgrove & Lauren Hilger, The Emergency
Paula Mendoza, Three Poems
Graham Foust, Two Poems
Craig Bernardini, Sehnsucht
Meagan Cass, A Parent’s Guide to UltraSport Children
Nicholas Maistros, My Father’s Auburn
Chika Unigwe, from Things Remembered
Adam Schuitema, Light Years
Alex McElroy, In Memory of the Whitfield High School 109 Writing Center
Suzanne Morrison, What Was Lost
Ursula Villarreal- Moura, All the Dogs
Matthew Fogarty, Rituals of Prehistoric Cultures
Enuma Okoro, A Bunch of Peanuts
Michael Sarinsky & Elisa Gonzalez, An Interview with Elizabeth McCracken
Elisa Gonzalez, An Interview with Louise Glück
Cover art by Raisa Nosova

Issue 34
Carson Eva Donnelly, Two Poems
Catherine Wagner, July
Jung Jiyong, translated by Jack Jung, 유리창/정지용 / Glass Window
Yi Sang, translated by Jack Jung, 꽃나무/이상 / Flower Tree
Joe DeLuca, Timeshare
Staci R. Schoenfeld, The Patient Attempts to Explain PTSD with Time Travel Theory
Anselm Berrigan, Three Poems
Sapphire, Three Poems
Mark Wagenaar, Interview with the Last Blacksmith in the County
G. C. Waldrep, from TESTAMENT
Nabila Lovelace, Renisha
Diane Wakoski, Mercurial
Talin Tahajian, Agronomy
W. M. Lobko, Elegy Because I Want to Believe
Nezahualcyotl, translated by Forrest Gander, Untitled Song
Sandra Santana, translated by Forrest Gander, Three Poems
Ann Ward, Two Poems
Michael Metivier, Snow
Terrell Jamal Terry, Astray Coach
Leslie Marie Aguilar, The Hitching Post
M. Montas, Untitled
David McGimpsey, Three Poems
Thurston Moore, Now Ain’t Never Happening
Noah Eli Gordon, THIS
Katrin Tschirgi, The Fisherman
Kate Nacy, God Is Everywhere, Even the Pool
Suzanne Gardinier, Messenger
Kate Velguth, Witness
Emma Ignaszewski, Border Town Love Affair
Jill Birdsall, Free Parking
Wil Weitzel, The Gardens of Dar es Salaam
Vincent Guerra, Chronics
Michael Don, Back the Way We Came
Writers Block
James D. Fuson, FROGS IN A DITCH
David Armstrong Jones, What Could Have Been
Jamie Laufenberg, Competent to Stand Trial
Yusef Qualls-El, Selfie
K. D. A. Daniel-Bey, Trayvon Martin
Maurice Montrell Sanders, The Story of Us
Edward Callens Haikuet & James D. Fuson, no. 4
Poems from San Pedro Sula
Vanessa Salgado, Apocalypse
Juan Carlos Zuniga, Prayer for Cookie
Dana Isokawa & Allyson Paty, An Interview with Matthew Zapruder
Kate Brody, An Interview with E. L. Doctorow
Cover art by Christine Sajecki: We Travel Light 1 & 2, Medium: encaustic and photocopy transfer on oak panel. Original Photograph: Imke Lass

Issue 33
Andrea Cohen, Two Poems
Dana Ward, from The American Greeting Card Company
Simone White, Preliminary Notes on Street Attacks
John Fry, Two Poems
Martha Collins, Instance
Shane McCrae, Forgiveness in America
Ed Pavlić, Summertime or Somewhere Just (South of) Above My Head
Giedrė Kazlauskaite, Two Poems translated by Ada Valaitis
Marius Burokas, from I learned how to not be translated by Medeinė Tribinevičius
MRB Chelko, from G i r l
Leopoldo María Panero, La Alucinación De Una Mano . . . / Hallucination of a Hand . . . translated by Arturo Mantecón
Willie Lin, Teleology
Ama Codjoe, The Radiator or Your Soft Fist at My Door
Mike Spry, Bourbon & Eventide
Maureen Thorson, A Change Will Do You Good
Brandi Nicole Martin, After Humping Comes Hurting
Aaron Apps, Dear Herculine “Replicating Bodies”
Chase Berggrun, Mute Ashes: Threnody for Adam
Ilzė Butkute, Lapkričių prieglauda / A Shelter for Novembers translated by Jonas Zdanys
Siamak Vossoughi, Bee on a String
Matthew Baker, The Instructions
Bryan Shawn Wang, The Outfielders
Paul Crenshaw, Choose Your Own
Jamie McPartland, The Hysterectomy Travels
Courtney Craggett, Día de Gracias
Dana Isokawa, An Interview with Yusef Komunyakaa
Cover Art by Catherine Lepp: “hands, mouth, and tongue”, Medium: Tempera and chalk on Coloraid paper, 22" x 26", 2013

Issue 32
Meena Alexander, Atmospheric Embroidery
Farrah Field, Three Poems
Alexis Pope, A Brief Sunset When the Sky is Large
Amy Catanzano, “SCIENCE with a capital SCYTHE”
Corina Copp, TYPE A GALL
Konstantinos Sampanis, Two Poems translated by Peter Constantine
Tarfia Faizullah, Three Poems
Joyelle McSweeney, FIDELITY
Jason Labbe, Two Poems
Jill Osier, A s i a
Ana Martins Marques, O inquilo / The Tenant translated by Julia Sanches
Rebecca Morgan Frank, Jesus & Tomatoes
Heather Christle, Two Poems
Anne Carson, 108 (flotage)
Craig Bernardini, Burning Child
Jen Fawkes, By the Numbers
Tanner Hadfield, The Pool House
N. Michelle AuBuchon, Party Girls
Wendy Oleson, Bodies of Water
Saeed A. Naqvi Syed, The Puppet Master
Philip Jason, Strong Forces
Sa’adat Hasan Manto, Babu Gopinath translated by Muhammad Umar Memon
Uday Prakash, The “Mangosil” Virus and an Ant translated by Jason Grunebaum
Antonio Tabucchi, Two Stories translated by Tim Parks
Damien Miles-Paulson, Stories from a Broken Pact
Kyle Fewell, Various Illustrations
Jen Levitt, Maya C. Popa, and Dana Isokawa, An Interview with Catherine Barnett

Issue 31
Lenea Grace, Calgary, 1981
Taylor Collier, The Abbreviated Mirror
Eileen Myles, from Vilnius Declamatory
Christopher Kondrich, Portion
Mary Ruefle, Three Poems
CAConrad, Four Poems
Joe Zendarski, [I come to]
Cate Marvin, The Hamptons
Ana Božičević, Two Poems
Barbara Claire Freeman, Downtown
Ghassan Zaqtan, Two Poems translated by Fady Joudah
Melissa Broder, Two Poems
Dorothea Lasky, The Bear
Brent House, Pastoral
Alice Bolin, Shirt
Steve Kronen, Some, a Phalanx of Horsemen
Lynn Melnick, Obviously, Foul Play
Rachel Zucker, Four Poems
William Torrey, The Fallen Cosmonaut
Naiyer Masud, The Aster translated by Jane A. Shum and Muhammad Umar Memon
Matt Wycoff, The River
David James Poissant, Last of the Great Land Mammals
Eliezra Schaffzin, The Godliness of Debbie Toledano
John Oliver Hodges, How I Supported My Habit of Collecting Scabs
Melina Kamerić, The Secret Life of Pensioners translated by Jennifer H. Zoble
Aubrey Stallard, Photographs
Maya C. Popa and Jen Levitt, An Interview with Will Schutt

Issue 30
Keith Leonard, A Brief History of Sovereignty
Pierre Peuchmaurd, Two Poems translated by E. C. Belli
Marc Paltrineri, Four Poems
Michael Martin Shea, Saturday
Shane Book, Two Poems
Ron Winkler, Two Poems translated by Jake D. Schneider
Sarah Jean Grimm, I Would Have Told Calypso Something Like,
Melissa Stein, Two Poems
Kiik Araki-Kawaguchi, the coat
Tone Skrjanec, finnish ride translated by Ana Pepelnik and Matthew Rohrer
Ken L. Walker, For Size or Good Measure
Jerrold Yam, Hotel
Jean-Claude Renard, from “The Space of the Spoken Word” translated by Hélène Cardona
Matthew Moore, Angiogram
Jason Nemec, The New Ruin
Sho Sugita, Bamboo Shoots
Susan H. Maurer, Two Poems
Tomaž Šalamun, Shall We Go? translated by Michael Thomas Taren and the author
Christopher Phelps, Cledonomancy
Marc Vincenz, Snakebite
Colin Winnette, After Christmas
Lila Zemborain, september 20, 2001 translated by Daniel Coudriet and Mariela Méndez
Shane McCrae, The Body, or Muff Bag
Jennifer Luebbers, Barn Elegy, 2012 Poetry Award Winner, selected by Marie Howe
ko ko thett, lady’s fingers
Cate Lycurgus, The Wanting
Paul Muldoon, Elephant Anthem (Lyrics)
Vincent Guerra, Champs
Caroline Knox, An excerpt from “Subjects”
Laura Adamczyk, Here Comes Your Man
Elizabeth Tingue, XX, 2012 Fiction Award Winner, selected by Darin Strauss
Eric Rosenblum, Chump Change
Dan Mancilla, Trajectory, 2012 Flash Award winner, selected by Jim Shepard
Amy Denham, Expiration Date
Juliacks, Illustrations

Issue 29
L. S. Klatt, The Swimmer, No. 70
Lauren Hilger, Victorian Mummy
Jim Daniels, Career with the City
Nance Van Winckel, Taking Sense of My Leaves
Corey Van Landingham, And Badly, Too
Claudia Burbank, We Come Back as Ourselves Only Smaller
Dolores Castro, Pale Skin translated by Toshiya Kamei
Ulrike Almut Sandig, Three Poems translated by Bradley Schmidt
Jesse Damiani, Maps with Scribbled Lines
Benjamin Sutton, from “Eternity, Ohio”
Kyle Waugh, Variations on the Apennines
Christopher Cheney, Two Poems
Seth Abramson, Two Poems
Ben Mirov, Like a Waif Beneath the Clock Tower in the Middle of the Night
Alexander Ulanov, from Waves and Ladders: Poems and Prose translated by Alex Cigale
Angie Macri, Macadam
John Fenlon Hogan, The Ventriloquist Speaks for Himself
Andrew Wessels, ::a screaming comes across::
Michael Rutherglen, Resolution
Anne Marie Rooney, Erotic in which I am the point
Zach Savich, Two Poems
Judith Zander, Three Poems translated by Bradley Schmidt
Luke Andrew Geddes, The Party Don’t Stop
Neil Serven, Return Policy
A. L. Snijders, Three Short Stories translated by Lydia Davis
Barry Yourgrau, Tourist
Adam Lefton, Strays
Justin Katko & Jow Walton, from “TRIGGER WARNING”
Derek Nikitas, Voicemail
R. Dale Smith, The Whispering Man
Kirby Wright, Square Dancing at the Asylum, Worcester, Mass., 1949
Rupprecht Mayer, In Praise of Restriction translated by Kenneth Kronenberg
Justus Caudell, Half-Breed
Tristan Palmer, Drawings

Issue 28
Amina Saïd, I Was Born on the Shore
Jay Deshpande, Two Poems
Kerri Webster, Five Poems
Rachel Inez Lane, To Whoever Wrote: MEEsha! MY dick n’ YO Mouf!
Bryan Emory-Johnson, Aren’t I the Real Becky?
Malachi Black, Vigils
Marosa di Giorgio, from “The Wild Papers”
Steve Barbaro, A Girl from Cannon Beach
Ann Hostetler, Portrait of the Artist
Alec Hershman, Two Poems
José María Hinojosa, Pomegranates
Kelly Swartz, Three Poems
Avery Slater, Paphos, Troy, Carthage
John James, Against Dominion
Dan Gutstein, Vacancy Blvd.
Joseph P. Wood, Clothes Unmake the Master
Amy Eisner, Godawful
Sue Sinclair, Okanagan Valley
Dan Kaplan, +[Not the first to arrive here by a long shot,]
Don Pomerantz, The Tree is a Journey
Anthony Madrid, Two Poems
Christopher Tozier, Two Poems
Iztok Osojnik, A Neolithic One
Jazzy Danziger, Found
Jacques J. Rancourt, Icon
Matt Morton, Still Life of Hummingbird
Niamh MacAlister, Two Poems
Adam Day, Kids
David Dodd Lee, Red Little Folk Painting
Anja König, First It’s Just a Couple of Bricks
Genevieve Burger-Weiser, Sense of Chrome and Abandon
Tytti Heikkinen, Shadows from Astronauts
Christopher DeWeese, Two Poems
John Hart, Like an Unsent Letter
Fernando Vargas, Two Poems
Kimberly Grey, Hunger Sentences
Emily Howorth, The Vivarium Monarchs
Miranda Field, Energy Regime
Chris Guthrie, Anyways
Amilcar Bettega, Self-Portrait
Bryant Musgrove, Drought
Yona Silverman, Humanism
Randolph Thomas, The Smoke Table
Tessa Mellas, Landscapes in White
Robby Herbst, The Tree Drawings

Issue 27
Patrick Culliton, from My Book Report on the Afterlife
Steven D. Schroeder, Epilogue for Monsters
M.R.B. Chelko, The Porch
Miłosz Biedrzycki, Perhaps
Timothy Donnelly, Lycopodium Obscurum
Allison Power, Middlemarch
Stephen Knauth, July
Stephen Knauth, Visiting My Father
Kevin Higgins, Tidings
Benjamin S. Grossberg, The Space Traveler and Boston
Naomi Foyle, The Second Reserve Goalkeeper on the USA Women’s Football Team goes AWOL in Shanghai
Cate Peebles, Goodnight
Alvin Pang, Song (for P)
Alvin Pang, The Future of Nostalgia
Sarah Hymas, The Sound of Melanin
Sandeep Parmar, The Saltonstall Family
Adam Durbin, Volte-Face
Jeff Baker, Jacksonville
David Starkey, Every Thing Good is on the Highway
D. A. Powell, Chicken
James Cihlar, Nora Prentiss
Nadxieli Nieto Hall, Do Not Erect Any Buildings
Julia Guez, Self-Portrait as New Moon
Elizabeth Willis, Triptik
Paul Legault, Saturday Night
Paul Legault, Free Twenty Dollar Bill
John Randolph Carter, Unicycle
Gracie Leavitt, Rough for
Geoffrey Babbitt, Ad Matutinas de Sancto Spiritu, from a French Book of Hours, ca. 1500
Nate Pritts, A Weirder Tomorrow
Deborah Landau, Two Poems
José Araguz, Wild Flight
Ashur Etwebi, A Hymn from the Seventh Century B.C.
Uche Umezurike, The Language of Mortars
Andrew Sage, Saltaire
David Kirby, A Fall from a Great Height
David Kirby, Horrible Things May Be True
Sinan Antoon, Phosphorus
Saadi Youssef, Still Life
Albert Abonado, Brother Octopus
Karen Rigby, In the lizard-dark, no fire in the orchard
Adam Fitzgerald, Phattafacia Stupenda
Firas Sulaiman, A Man in the Depths of Night
Stephanie Austin, And So On, When Tripled
Christopher Kloeble, In the Eye
Adam Wilson, We Close Our Eyes
Maurice Kilwein Guevara, Mandala in Riobamba
Franz Knupfer, Broken Homes
Andrea Hirata, Dry Season
Eric Barnes, Powdered Milk
Christopher Russell, Drawings