Issue 49

Rosa Alcalá, For Real
Noor Al-Samarrai, Abortion Poems
hazel avery, city sister
Mark Kyungsoo Bias, Routine Maintainence
Tommye Blount, Band Master and Grand Dragon
Matthew Brailas, Lot’s Wife Turns Back to Sodom
Mary Helen Callier, In Hamilton, Georgia I Think About Philomela
Sean Cho A, Grad school boy
Adrienne Chung, Feral Spice
Edith Lidia Clare, it is hard to remember we are not made up of image. if we are made up of image we have bodies just a couple times
Rob Colgate, Body Salad
Arda Collins, John Maloney
Madeleine Cravens, Pleasure Principle
Justin Davis, Notes on the Field
Armen Davoudian, Conscription
Cara Dees, Triptych
Timothy Donnelly, Domesticity
Gabriella Fee, Blue and Gold
Kay Gabriel, from Perverts
John Gallaher, American Travelogue (Architecture 79)
Joshua Garcia, Salvator Mundi
Zach Goldberg, Punnett Square for the Ways I Die
Lydia Golitz, Leaving the Church
Camille Guthrie, Not the Wife of John Donne
Nora Hikari, On the Physics of Girlhood
Jackson Holbert, My Field Trip to the Animal Shelter
.chisaraokwu., Louisiana Holiday
Charlotte Hughes, The Classics
Jarek Jarvis, Three Bird Roast (Turducken)
Christopher Kondrich, Together for Eternity
Wayne Miller, Two Men Shouting
Genta Nishku, terminology for the writing of history
Caleb Nolen, Waking Dream
Cindy Juyoung Ok, Romantic Comedy
Jay Pabarue, Nothing is like being alone when you shouldn’t be alone (Taylor Johnson)
Samuel Piccone, Wake
Paige Quiñones, We About Wolf
Daniel Schonning, Bodies Moving about a Frame
Yerra Sugarman, Sonnet from Alef to Bet (III)
Jonny Teklit, Dream
Alison Thumel, At the Predator Hunters Convention in Rifle, CO
Corey Van Landingham, Reader, I
Corey Zeller, I Spelled Whether Wrong
Maria Zoccola, helen of troy goes parking with the defensive tackle
Ivan Aponte, Memories
Noh Cheonmyeong, Deer
bruno darío, viewing room and Once a Trip with North Wind
Jan Eijkelboom, Frays
Muyaka bin Haji al-Ghassaniy, A Pit of Darkness and They Walk Around with Axes
Zuzanna Ginczanka, Grammar
Kim Hyesoon, Monster
Lee Jenny, Pink Sugar Elephant
Pedro de Jesús, That year’s 21st of June
Clayton Lo, Braille Book and Losing
Sebastián Gomez Matus, Untitled
Martha Mega, The Day My Intelligence Officer Stopped Listening and Untitled
Mir Taqi Mir, Eight asha’ar translated from the Urdu by Ranjit Hoskote
María José Navia, Panda
Tomaž Šalamun, God’s Gums and Shirt
Xe M. Sánchez, Before My Eyes
Tone Skrjanec, night is warm. it smells like boiled cabbage and krizia. and Sunday Is the Day When I Don’t Make It to the Phone
Grzegorz Wróblewski, Interrogation and Support
Janelle Bassett, The Bone Arc
Alex Chasteen, A Wives’ Tale
Cooper Dart, Long After, Hometown
Megan Koester, So You’ve Fucked Your Editor
Samantha Libby, Accomplishments
Lia Purpura, Just Sparrows
Amelia Soth, A Few Links of Rubber
Alia Volz, Down Like a Child
William Woolfitt, ſ, the Long S
Dunni Abisayo, Housegirl
Gabriel Bump, Car-Sledding
K-Ming Chang, Virgins
Christina D’Antoni, Polly, Underwater
Will Ejzak, Jelly Bean
Linnie Greene, Diplodocus
Karl Taro Greenfeld, Year One
Teagan Kessler, The Mud Girls
Livvy Krakower, Scream at God and He Will Scream Back
Laura Beth Kujawa, We Will Wait for the End in This Airbnb
Samantha Kathryn O’Brien, Doggerland
Marcus Ong Kah Ho, Kafka Needs to Understand
Georgina Parfitt, After Church
Jihoon Park, The Chicken in New Mexico Plays Tic-Tac-Toe
Marvin Shackelford, Playing
Cathy Ulrich, Maybe You’re
Katie Yee, The Carols
PS Zhang, Heritage
Jenna Lanzaro, An Interview with Nuar Alsadir
Markita Naomi Schulman, An Interview with Eula Biss
Cover art
Manuel Mathieu