Our biannual New Voices Award rotates in genre and hosts judges from the acclaimed faculty of the NYU Graduate Creative Writing Program. The winner will receive $1,500 and publication in the journal (in print and online).
In addition to the cash prize and publication, the winner will receive an interview conducted by the judge that will appear alongside the selected work online and possibly in the print journal. The winner will also have the opportunity to read at the issue’s launch party, which is held at the Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House in New York City.
The New Voices Award is now closed for submissions.
You are NOT eligible if you:
Have published a book or have a book forthcoming before November 1, 2025. (Not included: chapbooks with a print run of less than 300.)
Are affiliated with NYU as a student or faculty member or could be affiliated with NYU in the coming year.
Are a graduate of the NYU MFA program or recent (within the last five years) NYU MFA affiliate.
Are a previous winner or finalist
Fees & Fee Waivers
The submission fee of $15 includes a three-issue subscription to Washington Square Review.
We would like to extend fee waivers to writers who are Black, Indigenous, of Palestinian descent, other writers of color, and those for whom the fee presents a financial hardship. Please email us at wsr@nyu.edu for a waiver.
Please click here to submit your work to us via Submittable during the dates specified above.