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Gabriela Cabezón Cámara Longlisted for the International Booker Prize

In Issue 44, we were privileged to print many talented writers. Among them was Argentine writer Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, translated from Spanish by Fiona Mackintosh and Iona Macintyre. We are thrilled to announce that her novel The Adventures of China Iron, which we excerpted in our issue, has been longlisted for the 2020 International Booker Prize.


Before Adventures of China Iron, Cabezón Cámara published multiple books, including a graphic novel that won the Argentine Senate’s Alfredo Palacios Prize and was recognized by Buenos Aires City Council and the Congress of Buenos Aires Province. She has taught at and served as Writer-in-Residence at UC Berkeley.. In 2013 she was writer in residence at UC Berkeley, where she also taught. She was one of the founders of the NiUnaMenos (“Not One Less”) movement against femicides and gender violence.

We encourage you to seek out The Adventures of China Iron and the rest of Cabezón Cámara’s incredible work.

Washington Square