Launched! Washington Square Review Issue 41
On Saturday, April 14th, Washington Square Review hosted a launch party for issue 41. Contributors Tracy May Fuad, Edie Meidav, and Sally Wen Mao started off the night with lovely readings, including their pieces from the new issue.
Tracy May Fuad read first, standing out with her digital name tag scrolling across her shirt, but it was her poems that really stole the show. Fuad read "Object Exercise" from the issue, but also "Object Project," in which she says, "I learned to hide my body when I was a girl. How to be a highway and rest stop and dirt road and all at once."
Next, Edie Meidav read an excerpt from "Species of Female Devotion, or Future Love Paradise," a piece from a novel-in-progress that takes place in Cyprus. "She went down to check on them, but they were enduring their own terror, kids forced to grapple with the question of why they had ended up together and why no one more obvious had wanted them, or why those who wanted them were paid help, hired by the government and the do-gooders, the Swiss who funded this whole place."
Lastly, Sally Wen Mao read "Ode to Extinction" and "Ode to Eviction," two poems from issue 41. She revealed her love of filmmaker Wong Kar-wai, and delighted us with a throwback to issue 35, reading "Live Feed" and "Anna May Wong dreams of Wong Kar-wai."
As the reception commenced, Washington Square Review editors had a blast taking pictures with fellow creative writing students, faculty members, friends, and readers. The night ended full of warmth, photos, and an unforgettable issue!
If you haven't gotten your copy of Issue 41, now is your chance. Submissions open again on August 1st, and we would love to read your work! In the meantime, stay updated by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Photos courtesy of Madeline Mori and Omotara James