Issue 40: Fall 2017
Megan Tucker, Candidates
Carol Bensimon, The Smoke Gardener’s Club translated by Zoë Perry
Helen Phillips, It Should Be
LaRue Cook, Believers
David Leavitt, The David Party
Rivka Galchen, Our Potatoes
Jess Pane, Interview with Karen Russell
Crystal Powell, Interview with Ross Gay
Cover art by Conor Fagan.
Geffrey Davis, The Fidelity of Loneliness
Devon Walker-Figueroa, Not Everything that Lapses Must Diverge
William Fargason, Porcelain Nocturne
Desiree C. Bailey, Harriet Jacobs Grips the Silence
Meghann Plunkett, Nightshade
Mitchell L. H. Douglas, Circle
Justin Phillip Reed, The Root is Not a Color But an Upset
Paul Legault, Grace When It’s Not There
Nicole Sealey, from Cento for the Night I Said, “I Love You”
Matthew Shenoda, The Edge is the End of the Beginning
James Kimbrell, The Graduate Goes to Work
Julian Randall, T-Pain Sings “A Change Gonna Come” While My Father Sleeps Feet Away
Chinelo Okparanta, The shoe that I bought . . .
Natalie Shapero, Some Toxin
Gbenga Adesina, Hiding Place
Rob Shapiro, Ram’s Head with Hollyhock, 1935
Will Frazier, Hyperglycemia
zakia henderson-brown, ex-slave with long memory
Paul Guest, With a Line from Padgett Powell
Evie Shockley, awaking in paris