Jiaxin Wang

Issue 51
Spring 2024

Jiaxin Wang

Two poems translated from the Chinese by John Balcom

At Weihai, Someone Asks Me about the Poet Duo Duo

Strolling on the coast at Weihai, I gaze at a distant ship,
Someone asks me about the poet Duo Duo.
I say he has retired from Hainan University, but gets no pension,
Because “he is a foreigner.”
“What does he live on? Is he invited to lecture?”
“He refuses. His pride, you know ‘All of England cannot
Accommodate my pride . . .’”
“Where is he staying in Beijing, then?” He rents a place,
(They tore down the place he inherited from his father.)
He writes poems there, reads Celan, reads Char, reads his
Penniless Tsvetaeva,
Sometimes he paints, but not for money . . .
“Hey, who told him to name himself Duo Duo*, or twice superfluous?
He’s superfluous abroad and just as superfluous at home.”
The poet Wang Guilin sighs, the rest of us force a smile;
I raise my head, and wonder where that
White ship on the sea has gone . . .

*  “” (Duo) in Chinese means “superfluous”.

Homage To

I pay homage to Japanese monk,
Because the teeth of a bream at the fish market
Made him feel a chill.

I can’t see Lujia Mountain, Mt. Fuji is even harder to see,
But a pot of jasmine blossoms at the window
Of my new place in August.

An evening stroll, it’s like the road to Delphi.
Night in a dense wood,
Faint light on the river’s surface.

He once praised the mystery and beauty of the peacock,
Now he avoids them,
As if they would come and feed on human flesh.


Language, and the rhythm of an aging body—
Greater hesitance and more pauses
And a request for greater calm.

Though cruel, I should thank your death:
The cold northern light of winter
In August reverts to us.

Six months after returning from the madhouse in St Remy,
He is still thinking of the blue irises Van Gogh painted—
That moment of silence penetrating the sandy land . . .

Shakespeare didn’t know he was Shakespeare.
Du Fu said as he aged his poems became more easy going.
The way it should be! Let’s go out for a stroll.